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So far Jasmine May has created 408 blog entries.

May – Volcano Awareness Month in Washington State


Governor Jay Inslee has proclaimed that beginning May 2021, it will be Volcano Awareness month. Our state has five (5) active volcanoes located in the Cascade Range east of Seattle: Mt. Baker, Glacier Peak, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens. Each volcano, except for Mount Adams, has erupted in the last 250 years. It is important to remember that it is difficult to know precisely when or where a future eruption will occur. There are no regular intervals when it comes to volcano irruptions. For more information on volcanoes in our state: https://mil.wa.gov/volcano https://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/geology/geologic-hazards/volcanoes-and-lahars https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/vsc/file_mngr/file-103/5-6-14%20USGS%20CVO%20NIE%20Part%201.pdf [...]

May – Volcano Awareness Month in Washington State2021-05-26T18:00:43+00:00

Jim House Interview Now on SoundCloud!


We are excited to share our podcast interview with Jim House! Jim is the Disability Integration Manager for Coalition of Inclusive Emergency Planning at WA State Independent Living Council (WASILC). We want to thank Jim and Kim Conner, Executive Director for WASILC, for taking the time to talk with us last month and informing our readers and us about the organization and its resources. To learn more about WASILC, check out their website at: https://www.wasilc.org/

Jim House Interview Now on SoundCloud!2021-05-26T17:46:32+00:00

Emergency Management’s Journey to Resilience – May 2021


Emergency Management’s Journey to Resilience: Using Our Words by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed Where does the term “resilience” fit among these standard emergency management terms? Mitigation. Preparedness. Response. Recovery. Prevention (how did that get in here?). Finally, Resilience. Mitigation: efforts to minimize the negative consequences of a known hazard. Preparedness: a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to assisting governments, businesses, and the entire community to be prepared to avoid or withstand the disruption of a known or even unforeseen hazard. Response: accorded disproportional attention in disaster exercises, it is “what we do with what we have” in a crisis. [...]

Emergency Management’s Journey to Resilience – May 20212021-05-04T23:02:55+00:00

Functional Assessment Service Teams (FAST)


By Nancy Aird The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted on July 26, 1990. It guaranteed equal access to individuals with disabilities to state and local programs, services, programs, activities, and facilities, which included support from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith and community-based organizations, and private sources. FEMAs’ Whole Community preparedness approach promotes integrating people with access and functional needs (AFN) into general emergency shelters or other areas. In 2007, the California Department of Social Services created the Functional Assessment Service Team (FAST) program after Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath showed sheltering thousands of disaster victims needed pre-incident and proper coordination. FAST [...]

Functional Assessment Service Teams (FAST)2021-04-29T20:48:59+00:00

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Scott Preston


By Scott Preston When I ran the UW CERT team, I would actively seek out members from the hard of hearing/deaf community and the blind community. Dana Platt, the State 9-1-1 TTY manager at that time was someone who volunteered on several occasions. The UW would pay for an interpreter to assist her and me, since I don’t speak sign language (although I am half-deaf). The value was recognized on several fronts: 1- The community in question had an active role in the UW’s emergency training for the CERT team. This is the very definition of inclusion.   2- The [...]

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Scott Preston2021-04-29T21:24:31+00:00

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Curry Mayer


By Curry Mayer It is interesting that we, in emergency management, talk at length about helping as many people as possible in all of our programs and in all of the phases of emergency management, however, I don’t believe we have spent enough time thinking about how we reach those who are differently abled. The term that is most inclusive of those with additional needs, is people with “Access and Functional Needs”, which goes beyond what the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires. Access is about mobility, which includes the elderly and small children, and those who use mobility devices; [...]

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Curry Mayer2021-04-28T22:58:10+00:00

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Jim Mullen


By Jim Mullen It is frustrating when the obvious is missed. The challenges a disabled citizen encounters merely trying to access entry into an office, navigating stairs and hallways are always in plain sight. Those few individuals over the course of my career with whom I worked that experienced those difficulties always seemed cheerful, resilient, and capable of overcoming obstacles in their path. They seemed to be coping, rarely seeking assistance or support. So, no problem? As an emergency management director in Seattle and the State of Washington, ADA issues were seldom raised. Government facilities were regulated by agencies that [...]

ADA Thoughts: Outlooks By Jim Mullen2021-04-28T22:50:59+00:00

Featured Interview: Jim House


By Linda Crerar Society continues to be reminded of the importance of making emergency planning efforts inclusive of people of all ages and abilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act. ACL. I interviewed Jim House, disability community leader working to ensure that people with disabilities are included in emergency preparedness efforts. Jim House is the Emergency Planning Disability Integration Manager working with the Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP). (www.wasilc.org/coalition-on-inclusive-emergencyplanning ) CIEP is a statewide cross-disability advisory group that works with state and local emergency stakeholders to build disability accessibility and inclusion into all [...]

Featured Interview: Jim House2021-04-29T20:15:01+00:00

Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner


Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner MBCP, FBCI, CISA, CRISC By Deb Moller “If you would go fast, go alone. But if you would go far, bring others along.” - African Proverb As a woman of color, Michele is aware that there are biases in the world that can impact how others see the value that she has to offer. She insists that it’s the invisible differences, things we may not see or know about other people that are a critical source of diversity that should not be overlooked. For example, an invisible diversity characteristic in her life is [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Michele L. Turner2021-04-30T00:18:18+00:00

Diversity: The Invisible Side


By Kellie Hale I don’t believe the term “diversity” should be viewed as a buzzword or fad. It is an important word that should continue to be a part of a person’s lexicon. For me, there is not a day that goes by where I don’t learn something new when it comes to diversity. Recently, I learned the term “invisible diversity” from one of my Advisory Board members, Michele Turner. In talking with Michele, she mentioned how invisible diversity is an integral part of emergency management and everyday life. That diversity is not only what a person sees on the [...]

Diversity: The Invisible Side2021-04-29T21:47:13+00:00
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