Our Blog2020-10-29T19:42:03+00:00

Center’s Blog

Use this page to stay up-to-date on COVID-19, homeland security emergency management, campus safety, job resources, career pathways, upcoming webinars, scholarships, Washington State news and more.

COE Highlights

COE Highlights FY 22 Impact Statement Economic Development Focus Currently, 86,000 employees are documented in the CTE Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Clusters. Government and public service organizations employ about 80% of this workforce with 20% employment in private sector. There is a growing demand in this [...]

Back-to-School Programs

Back-to-School Programs Looking for a great career opportunity? Thinking about career options or looking to change careers? The climate change crisis has created significate educational opportunities in Emergency and Risk Management for industries, government, and public service. Join the workforce to help maintain national security, response to all-hazard [...]

“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows…” (Bob Dylan.et al.)

“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows…” (Bob Dylan.et al.) by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed In this era of increasingly dangerous weather events, among the most dangerous are those slow-moving storm systems that pause over an area for an extended period before moving [...]

Studying the Past, Confronting the Present, Shaping the Future

Studying the Past, Confronting the Present, Shaping the Future by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed The epidemic of mass shootings (defined as incidents where four or more persons are injured) in our country are emotionally draining tragedies for which thoughts and prayers are insufficient while rational solutions seem [...]

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources 2-1-1 Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stress and Coping Mental Health America Mental Health Resources in Washington Washington State Department of Health Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (Toll Free - English and Español) SMS: Text [...]

College/Program resources

College/Program Resources Below are available resources for college/program courses: Inventory of courses offered at SBCTC Colleges https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/professional-technical/default.aspx Career Pathway Course Maps Social Service Mental Health (AA-DTA) with Certificate Career Pathway Course Map Social Service Mental Health (AAS) Career Pathway Course Map Social Service Mental Health [...]

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Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me

Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me by Jim Mullen From 1973-75 I was an ombudsman in Jacksonville, Illinois, an exempt employee of a self-proclaimed “reform” Governor, Dan Walker. Though my “day job” was to advocate for citizens wrongly deprived of government services to which they were entitled, my [...]

Imagine This…

Imagine This... by Dr. Mary Schoenfeldt Trauma, Resilience, Self-Care, Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth… all common words these day, aren’t they? They have become such everyday familiar words we use them freely in conversation, but what do they really mean? And more importantly, why does it [...]

Just in Time – June 2022

Just in Time by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed For years, emergency managers have lamented the public’s tendency to delay the acquisition of essential supplies. Food and other daily necessities are typically not maintained beyond a brief time frame. That quick run to the store at 5pm is [...]

Who Needs to be Educated About Emergency Management? Who doesn’t?

Who Needs to be Educated About Emergency Management? Who doesn’t? By Jim Mullen Emergency managers often lack the political clout, or even the bureaucratic standing, to have much of an impact on policy decisions societies make. We’re there to try to mitigate, within our means, prepare the community and [...]

Recovery in Advance – May 2022

Recovery in Advance by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed Emergency Management Once Removed periodically has cited the need for a systematic recovery process to enable appropriate and comprehensive restoration of the social equilibrium following a major or catastrophic disaster.    No matter how much assistance pours in after the [...]

Climate Change: A Practical Guide

Climate Change:  A Practical Guide By Linda Crerar & Nancy Aird How are more extreme weather, rising temperatures, and climate change affecting our health, homes, finances, safety, and day-to-day activities? What can we do about it? Every year, Washington faces floods, wildfires, landslides, tornadoes, and snow. Our Confluence staff [...]

Volunteers: Partners in Emergency Management Preparedness

Volunteers: Partners in Emergency Management Preparedness By Linda Crerar April is National Volunteer Month and we are recognizing the work and service of the many dedicated volunteers like those who have been so instrumental in establishing, supporting, and implementing the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference every year. Volunteers have [...]

Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers

Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers By Kellie Hale What are Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)? I kept hearing about them during my time at the CoE-HSEM. However, I never had the chance to interact with them personally or professionally. It wasn’t until I began [...]

Some Modest, Hopefully Post-Covid Suggestions

Some Modest, Hopefully  Post- Covid Suggestions By Jim Mullen In the spirit of the theme for this month’s Confluence, I thought that  I would “volunteer” some thoughts about the situation in which we find ourselves as COVID – hopefully, fingers crossed – has begun to ease into endemic status. [...]

Musings in the 21st Century USA – April 2022

Musings in the 21st Century USA by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed The other day I was driving to the store on a narrow side street, headed downhill. A car headed up the hill toward me pulled between two other cars to let me pass. I simultaneously had [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Frances Whalen

Women in Leadership Profile: Frances Whalen By Deb Moller Every emergency manager knows that FEMA expects a “whole community” approach to preparedness. This guiding principle is sometimes seen as less critical than other doctrine. But it’s impossible to develop strong situational awareness, the foundation for effective planning and response, [...]

International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 By Linda Crerar The UN theme for International Women’s Day 2022 was “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. ” Many events recognized how women around the world are responding to climate change. The International Women’s Day website provides a platform to help forge positive [...]

TACTICS or STRATEGY? – March 2022

TACTICS or STRATEGY? by Jim Mullen Emergency Management, Once Removed Tactics are knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.” Savielly Tartakower (professional chess player). While I lacked the patience or even the inclination to play [...]

Breaking News – 322nd Year Anniversary of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake/Tsunami

Breaking News - 322nd Year Anniversary of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake/Tsunami   By Nancy Aird January 26, 1700, at 9:00 pm, the last Cascadia Subduction Zone megathrust earthquake (CSZ) was estimated at magnitude 8 or 9, and the subsequent tsunami devastated the Pacific Northwest. How are we able to [...]

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