New Course Offering!!!


Feeling fatigued? Are you more impatient than normal? Are you finding it hard to balance working from or just being at home? You're not alone. These are all signs that your mental wellness is being challenged by events around you (e.g., COVID-19, political and civil unrest, significant life change). As we hope for life to go back to “normal”, understanding how uncertainty and dramatic change affects our daily lives can help us to combat stress and other negative impacts.

Great Washington ShakeOut


At 10:15 am on October 15, 2020, millions of people in Washington State will participate in the largest earthquake drill ever: ShakeOut! Why? Earthquakes can happen anywhere, so everyone should know how to protect themselves when an earthquake occurs. Coastal earthquakes can be followed by tsunamis – which is why the Great Washington ShakeOut includes a tsunami drill.

Mental Wellness and Resiliency Workshop

Mental Wellness and Resiliency: Adjusting to Life and Addressing Challenges During Turbulent Times Registration for this course is free! Feeling fatigued? Are you more impatient than normal? Are you finding it hard to balance working from or just being at home? You’re not alone. These are all signs that your mental wellness is being challenged by events around you (e.g., COVID-19, political and civil unrest, significant life change). As we hope for life to go back to “normal”, understanding how uncertainty and dramatic change affects our daily lives can help us to combat stress and other negative impacts. This course will provide an [...]

Mental Wellness and Resiliency Workshop

Mental Wellness and Resiliency: Adjusting to Life and Addressing Challenges During Turbulent Times Registration for this course is free! Feeling fatigued? Are you more impatient than normal? Are you finding it hard to balance working from or just being at home? You’re not alone. These are all signs that your mental wellness is being challenged by events around you (e.g., COVID-19, political and civil unrest, significant life change). As we hope for life to go back to “normal”, understanding how uncertainty and dramatic change affects our daily lives can help us to combat stress and other negative impacts. This course will provide an [...]

MLK Day in The Time of COVID-19 Dec. 3, 2020 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time


Dr. King’s words challenge us to address the “fierce urgency of now.” As many individuals, families, and communities struggle with not only the effects of the coronavirus, but the already challenging circumstances that compound the pandemic, we must still ask and answer that important question, “What are you doing for others?” The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is going to look differently in 2021, so AmeriCorps is hosting a webinar next Thurs., Dec. 3 at 1:00 p.m. ET. This webinar is designed to help pivot your service opportunities in the time of COVID-19 while still meeting important [...]

A Leadership Career Path for Women: Challenges and Opportunities

Emergency Management - A Leadership Career Path for Women: Challenges and Opportunities From the perspective of being "newer" in the field, emergency management professionals Anna Feigum and Shayle Sabo will reflect upon their experiences joining and building careers as women in the field of emergency management. Moderated by a friend and social worker, Chelsea Cornwell, they will identify challenges they have faced and supports that have enabled them to build confidence and navigate the subtle ways in which prejudice can present itself in this demanding and often male-dominated field. Anna and Shayle will discuss how their training within a theoretical [...]

Partners in Preparedness Conference 2021


2021 Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference The Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference (a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization) is the largest and most successful regional emergency preparedness conference in the Pacific Northwest. Partners in Emergency Preparedness annually hosts nearly 400 people representing business, schools, government, the nonprofit sector, emergency management professionals, and volunteer organizations. The Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference attracts top-notch speakers with expertise that includes lessons learned from recent worldwide events like earthquakes, work place violence, current hazards research, contingency planning, school preparedness, technology, media interactions, and public health issues. Speakers and exhibitors provide cutting-edge information on subjects [...]

Preparedness Workshop


In January, we marked the 321st anniversary of the last full-rip 9.0 Cascadia earthquake. In March, we note the 20th anniversary of the Nisqually earthquake. Is getting people to prepare an impossible pipe dream or a worthy goal? Why is it so difficult? Are Emergency Managers the right people to carry the preparedness message? If not, why not? If not, who is?

Respectful Workplace Training

Respectful Workplace Training April 21, 2021 4:00-5:30 PM Foster workplace environments where all apprentices feel safe, welcomed and treated fairly. This workshop will answer the questions: What does Protected Class mean? What are the benefits of a respectful, inclusive workforce? What do I do if I experience or know of others being harassed? Presented by: Tracy Allen, SHRM-SCP, Lakeside Industries, is an HR professional with a keen skill set in training, development, and creating diverse and inclusive workplaces. She believes communication and accountability are key to this combination resulting in a productive, profitable, and positive work experience for the workforce [...]


Sound Careers in Healthcare Week – Charting Real Options in a Virtual World

Sound Careers in Healthcare Week - Charting Real Options in a Virtual World When: April 26 to April 30, 2021 Time: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm We are excited to share information about a FREE virtual healthcare career exploration opportunity coming up April 26-30th. Sound Careers in Healthcare is a week-long event being offered in collaboration with employers and healthcare educators.  Most daily presentations will be live and interactive and will cover an extensive range of topics.  Although designed for 9-12th graders in Pierce and King Counties, anyone with access to the inter net who would like to explore different career [...]

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