Our Center will focus on expanding the training and education activities available through the HSEM Institute. These trainings will provide professional development opportunities for faculty, industry professionals, and students. Trainings will be in the All-Hazards Emergency Management fields (Criminal Justice, HSEM, Occupational Health and Safety, EMT/EMS, Fire Command/Fire Services and Cybersecurity).

Business Continuity Planning, Resilience and Recovery, FEMA fundamentals, and Mental Health in Disaster Management have been identified as priority training. These courses will help students, faculty, and industry professionals gain awareness of industry needs, while staying current, and leveraging existing strengths and partnerships. Instructors will be industry experts who will provide well-developed courses and/or trainings that will benefit to those participating.

When Disruption Becomes the New Normal: Pathways to Resilient Communities will engage our public-private partners to become more disaster prepared so they will be ready, be connected, and be resilient.

The capacity of a business, organization, or community to rebound from a variety of impacts from an unforeseen event such as an economic disaster or sudden economic downturn is the focus of our “Pathways to Resilient Communities” training program. Unanticipated events can be catastrophic such as a major earthquake in which there is major damage and loss of life, major emergency such as a multi-jurisdictional flood, or an emergency such as a challenge to life safety require immediate action to prevent loss of life and can have major impact on the survival of a business, organization and community in the short and long-term. The ultimate goal of every organization is to protect critical resources and minimize loss in order to remain operational and profitable in our communities.

After a disaster, the Small Business Administration estimates that roughly 25-30% of businesses never reopen and those that do recover often suffer financial hardships after financing repairs and reclaiming their customer bases. We can give businesses, organizations, and communities the tools they need to effectively plan for disasters by becoming more resilient.

The training will not focus solely on the catastrophic, the content will address a range of disruptions that can happen in varying degrees which communities can anticipate and mitigate. We will teach a range of tools that can be used to “manage” a range of disruptions, we can create a more robust and durable community. The training will not only equip you with the tools you need to executive a business/organizational resiliency and disaster planning, but also designed to help you respond to addressing the resistance that occurs to change. This training will offer solutions for you to address the resistance whether it be lack of knowledge of the threat, the lack of motivation enough to act, or are not open to new ideas.

“At the conclusion of this training program, participants will be able to translate the learning objectives below into meaningful conversations with their organizations and communities.”

– Linda Crerar, Director

1. Understand core concepts and importance of disaster preparedness.
2. Address KSAs needed to survive natural, technological, and artificial disasters whatever the scale.
3. Understand about disasters to different regions and organizations so be able to identify what hazards can affect your location.
4. Understand the stages of a disaster and how preparedness concepts and tools facilitate organizational and business resiliency.
5. Understand risk management concepts as the relate to disaster preparedness.

You will receive a “tool kit” with extensive resources and templates (most are available free of charge) that can be utilized for disaster planning. These sessions will be offered starting this fall in a virtual setting and will occur over several weeks. These sessions will be repeated throughout this remaining year and 2021. We will have Senior Fellows, Associates and Guides/mentor available to work with you as you implement the process and plan to ensure success.

Our registration and training announcements will go out in the October Confluence, our website and through social media. You can also sign up on our website to receive our Confluence newsletter and view our events calendar on the website, which we update regularly.