Mental Health Resources


Mental Health Resources 2-1-1 Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stress and Coping Mental Health America Mental Health Resources in Washington Washington State Department of Health Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (Toll Free - English and Español) SMS: Text TalkWithUs to 66746 National Child Traumatic Stress Network Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) resources Green Cross Academy of Traumatology Training Courses: Memberships:

Mental Health Resources2022-06-28T18:57:37+00:00

College/Program resources


College/Program Resources Below are available resources for college/program courses: Inventory of courses offered at SBCTC Colleges Career Pathway Course Maps Social Service Mental Health (AA-DTA) with Certificate Career Pathway Course Map Social Service Mental Health (AAS) Career Pathway Course Map Social Service Mental Health Certificate Career Pathway Course Map SBCTC Positive Mental Health Bellevue College Bachelor of Applied Science: Health Promotion and Management Bellevue College Bachelor of Applied Science: Health Promotion and Management Centralia College: Behavioral Healthcare (BAS-BH) Clark College: Holistic Approach to Behavior Health (BAS) Columbia Basin College: Applied [...]

College/Program resources2022-06-28T18:35:31+00:00

Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me


Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me by Jim Mullen From 1973-75 I was an ombudsman in Jacksonville, Illinois, an exempt employee of a self-proclaimed “reform” Governor, Dan Walker. Though my “day job” was to advocate for citizens wrongly deprived of government services to which they were entitled, my “exempt” status meant the intrusion of state politics “after hours” was inescapable. The formal amendment of the US Constitution to include the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) required ratification in 2/3rds of the 50 states. In 1974-75, the supporters of the ERA needed only a handful of states to amend the Constitution. [...]

Storytime: The Equal Rights Amendment and Me2022-06-28T17:38:29+00:00

Imagine This…


Imagine This... by Dr. Mary Schoenfeldt Trauma, Resilience, Self-Care, Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth… all common words these day, aren’t they? They have become such everyday familiar words we use them freely in conversation, but what do they really mean? And more importantly, why does it matter to you? Imagine this… your home is destroyed in a disaster… or your community is shattered by an unimaginable act of violence against innocent people. You watch responders of all kinds drive 100 mph hour with lights and sirens blaring to the scene to help. You think this is the [...]

Imagine This…2022-06-28T17:45:54+00:00

Acknowledgment of Recent Events


We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge recent events by Center Staff We are shocked by the most recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde. No matter what, we cannot become accustomed to these heinous acts of violence. During the pandemic, our county and the world experienced unprecedented losses, forcing many of us into relative seclusion. Some have attributed the health crisis as a possible explanation for angry, disturbed individuals suddenly taking out their angst on unsuspecting, often defenseless persons. Because these acts are so far removed from common decency and respect for human life, it is easy, in [...]

Acknowledgment of Recent Events2022-06-28T17:19:37+00:00

Who Needs to be Educated About Emergency Management? Who doesn’t?


Who Needs to be Educated About Emergency Management? Who doesn’t? By Jim Mullen Emergency managers often lack the political clout, or even the bureaucratic standing, to have much of an impact on policy decisions societies make. We’re there to try to mitigate, within our means, prepare the community and ourselves to the extent limited funds allow, coordinate a multi-disciplinary response, and manage (steer?) the process of recovery. And then we assess our performance and start over. Far too often, we fail to educate the public that mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery are their responsibilities too. For years, emergency managers landed [...]

Who Needs to be Educated About Emergency Management? Who doesn’t?2022-06-21T22:13:38+00:00

Climate Change: A Practical Guide


Climate Change:  A Practical Guide By Linda Crerar & Nancy Aird How are more extreme weather, rising temperatures, and climate change affecting our health, homes, finances, safety, and day-to-day activities? What can we do about it? Every year, Washington faces floods, wildfires, landslides, tornadoes, and snow. Our Confluence staff has talked with experts and reviewed current studies to assess the risks. What are some risks and possible gains that are being noted today so mitigation steps can be initiated before issues become more severe? Remember some of these extremes: Wildfire: Labor Day 2020 - Wildfires in eastern WA destroyed Malden [...]

Climate Change: A Practical Guide2022-04-28T19:39:45+00:00

Volunteers: Partners in Emergency Management Preparedness


Volunteers: Partners in Emergency Management Preparedness By Linda Crerar April is National Volunteer Month and we are recognizing the work and service of the many dedicated volunteers like those who have been so instrumental in establishing, supporting, and implementing the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference every year. Volunteers have built this organization for 31 years and it is important to understand the history of the organization and the contributions volunteers have made to sustain it. Partners is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1991 and is the largest and most successful regional emergency management preparedness conference in the Pacific Northwest. [...]

Volunteers: Partners in Emergency Management Preparedness2022-04-28T19:40:18+00:00

Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers


Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers By Kellie Hale What are Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)? I kept hearing about them during my time at the CoE-HSEM. However, I never had the chance to interact with them personally or professionally. It wasn’t until I began working at Pacific Mountain (PacMtn) Workforce Development Council that I began to have a better understanding of WDBs. As a part of the Public Workforce System, WDBs are a network of federal, state, and local offices designed/functioned to support the expansion and development of talent that benefits the workforce and economy. [...]

Washington’s Workforce Development Boards: How They Connect Employers to Job Seekers2022-04-28T19:40:49+00:00

Some Modest, Hopefully Post-Covid Suggestions


Some Modest, Hopefully  Post- Covid Suggestions By Jim Mullen In the spirit of the theme for this month’s Confluence, I thought that  I would “volunteer” some thoughts about the situation in which we find ourselves as COVID – hopefully, fingers crossed – has begun to ease into endemic status. And, even if not, the recovery process should be kick-started. Now. My May 2020 Emergency Management Once Removed blog offered these thoughts, drawing upon the words of one of the subtler “philosophers” of another day Like Yogi, I just wanted us to map out a desirable destination before our journey ended.. [...]

Some Modest, Hopefully Post-Covid Suggestions2022-04-28T19:41:30+00:00
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