Women in Leadership 2025 Location Announcement


We are thrilled to announce the Women in Leadership Symposium 2025, hosted by the Center of Excellence - Homeland Security Emergency Management, will be held at Lower Columbia College in Longview, WA.

Women in Leadership 2025 Location Announcement2024-06-21T18:44:12+00:00

Women in Leadership Symposium 2024


This year's symposium will center around the importance of fostering robust and dynamic relationships and partnerships with women in Resilience Management and associated fields

Women in Leadership Symposium 20242024-05-09T18:27:15+00:00

EmPower Women’s Leadership Conference


EmPower Women's Leadership Conference When: March 11, 2022 Time: 11:00 am to 3:30 pm A Free Virtual Event! (with Registration) Celebrating International Women's Week! EmPower Women’s Leadership Conference brings together women in trades careers to celebrate their success as leaders, inspire other women to find and embrace their inner leader, and showcase the possibilities when women succeed in breaking barriers. Hear from industry leaders, current apprentices, and a nutritional expert. The FIRST 150 registrants receive a FREE swag bag! Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ej0tv57zeaab1217&oseq=&c=&ch=

EmPower Women’s Leadership Conference2022-02-09T11:18:09+00:00

Fifth Annual Military Spouse Employment Summit


Fifth Annual Military Spouse Employment Summit MAY 12, 2021 12 - 1:30 PM EDT Virtual Hiring Our Heroes is pleased to present the fifth annual Military Spouse Employment Summit. We will celebrate the progress that community and corporate leaders have made in elevating the conversation around military spouse employment and keeping it at the forefront during this virtual event. Recognizing a decade of work through Hiring Our Heroes’ collaborative efforts, we will look back and a look forward, highlighting the strides that have been made and calling for continued partnership as we shape the future. Standing at the starting line [...]

Fifth Annual Military Spouse Employment Summit2021-04-21T19:43:07+00:00
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