Strategic Foresight III – The “Quiet Part”


Strategic Foresight III - "The Quiet Part" Emergency Management Once Removed July 12, 2024 By Jim Mullen  “Strategic foresight’s” absence was evident on January 6, 2021. Warnings signs were clearly “missed. Outnumbered, heroic police officers held the line that day, preventing a coup. Must they stand alone next time? Did we learn anything at all? Can everyone in authority be relied upon to perform and behave as the laws of the nation require? The January 6, 2021 insurrection-rich environment’s  impact was confined to the US Capitol Region. Some members of Congress, many citizens from various walks of life, and a [...]

Strategic Foresight III – The “Quiet Part”2024-07-12T18:46:50+00:00

Strategic Foresight II


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight II2024-06-13T20:25:30+00:00

Strategic Foresight I: A Pathway to National Resilience


The non-partisan federal Government Accountability Office (GAO ) is entrusted with responsibility “to investigate and oversee the activities of the executive branch, to control the use of federal funds….” Housed within GAO, the Center for Strategic Foresight analyzes trends that will likely impact the federal government and society in the next 5-15 years.

Strategic Foresight I: A Pathway to National Resilience2024-06-06T22:11:08+00:00

Not Nearly Enough


Even predictable natural disasters frequently catch elected officials by surprise. A discouraging number of elected  officials and senior staff act as if  foreseeing and managing potential disaster impacts is a job for “another budget cycle.” So what are they doing in the meantime? Not nearly enough”.

Not Nearly Enough2024-04-19T16:33:48+00:00

The Rocky Road Ahead


The Rocky Road Ahead Emergency Management Once Removed January 31, 2023 By Jim Mullen “Wake me up when it’s all over, when I’m wiser and I’m older…” * Emergency managers (state and local) may be excused for feeling this way during most election years, when relatively minor incidents can suddenly become HUGE, with the executive’s staff reacting/often overreacting to events that in another year might have gone unnoticed. It’s not unusual, particularly in election years, to have to explain (patiently, and multiple times)to executive -level staff the sometimes-tedious bureaucratic pace of the disaster approval process for a presidential declaration that [...]

The Rocky Road Ahead2024-01-29T23:05:50+00:00

The Blame Game


The Blame Game Emergency Management Once Removed January 16, 2023 By Jim Mullen Major disasters occur all the time, usually resulting in inquiries about the degree of advance warning, or the level of preparation of authorities for a worst-case scenario.  “Blame” most often accompanies catastrophic events when perceptions are that readiness or critical decision-making was deficient.  In the subsequent rush to judgment, the “blame” is frequently misplaced, or at least not shared proportionately. Emergency managers can relate; they are often the first to be offered up for criticism when things go wrong. A friend with considerable expertise in the public [...]

The Blame Game2024-01-16T20:34:30+00:00

The Earth is “Illin”


The Earth is "Illin" Emergency Management Once Removed December 19, 2023 By Jim Mullen Last May the Associated Press reported that a study by the international Earth Commission (our planet’s annual “wellness check”) suggests that Planet Earth has entered the danger zone with respect to climatic impacts on “phosphorus and nitrogen contamination of water from fertilizer overuse, groundwater supplies, fresh surface water, the unbuilt natural environment and the overall natural and human-built environment” – happily (I guess!) the study concluded that air pollution has not quite reached a similar danger point. The study reflects the conclusion of reputable scientists, whose [...]

The Earth is “Illin”2023-12-19T18:42:06+00:00

Beware of “MDM”


In this final summary of the recent annual forum of the National Emergency Management Association held in Memphis, Tennessee in October, I found most compelling the panel discussion entitled “Combating Contested Information During Disaster Response and Recovery” addressed the emerging threat of what is called “MDM”: meaning Misinformation, Dis-information, and Mal-information.

Beware of “MDM”2023-11-21T18:23:09+00:00

More AI – from the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Annual Forum, October 2023


A follow- up to my recent post (“A Thought about Taking the AI Plunge”) on the risk/reward associated embracing artificial intelligence comes from the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) October 2023 forum panel discussion on this subject.

More AI – from the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Annual Forum, October 20232023-11-02T17:42:25+00:00
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