9/11 Remembrance – Continuing to Honor Our First Responders


9/11 Remembrance – Continuing to Honor Our First Responders  By Kellie Hale Where were you that September day? For me, I was getting ready for school. I was only in my second week of high school, so I was around 14 years old at the time. As I was putting on makeup, I hear my mom crying. She mentioned something about a plane crashing into one of the World Trade Centers in New York. Honestly, I didn’t pay too much attention to her at the time because I didn’t want to be late for school. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until [...]

9/11 Remembrance – Continuing to Honor Our First Responders2021-09-27T19:02:15+00:00

September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect


September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect “The theme of this year’s National Preparedness Month is “Prepare to Protect.”  During the past year, natural disasters have sent our communities into turmoil, and we have seen the particularly devastating toll they take on disadvantaged, low-income communities and people of color.  Beyond the physical damage done by natural disasters, these storms also exact an emotional toll on their victims, from the pain of losing a loved one to the pressure caused by financial setbacks.  Therefore, we must all prepare to better protect ourselves and our communities against both immediate crises [...]

September: National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect2021-09-27T18:57:59+00:00

Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights


Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) An integral part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion project for the Center of Excellence for Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The goal is to develop student experiential learning opportunities by developing a plan to promote, support and disseminate research regarding diversity and inclusion in Emergency Management. Outcomes: • Highlight innovative diversity and inclusion practices enhancing community resilience. • Building the social equity and diversity value into our community and technical college systems. • Identify and integrate EDI concepts into the emergency management curriculum [...]

Center of Excellence – HSEM : Subcommittee Highlights2021-09-27T18:54:29+00:00

Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown


Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown What if you found the perfect role for yourself, working in a field you were passionate about, grateful to serve your community as a behind the scenes leader who many people might not even know about?  What if you preferred the spotlight to be on others, and were happy to lay the foundation in planning, coordination and partnerships that resulted in effective response and recovery from disasters?  What if that suited your personality perfectly? And what if your role kept getting bigger and your contributions more needed [...]

Women in Leadership Profile: Tiffany Brown2021-09-27T18:40:45+00:00
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